
Mollie's Mole Hole

 So, my sister works at a Buffalo Exchange, which provides her the same opportunities a junky would have, if they worked in a Heroin Store.  

Her clothes pile has filled her original bedroom, and has overflowed to now occupy a second room. The only conclusion is get rid of half of it. But it's not all Goodwill fodder, a lot of it is amazing designer labels and one-of-a-kind vintage crap. The kind of crap that people pay actual money for, on the internet.
So, we're callin' it "Mollie's Mole Hole," which aptly describes the state of her mess, and I did a few preliminary sketches of the possible logo. She wanted it to "look like The Wind in the Willows." But until she actually fulfills her end of the deal, a.k.a, parting with crap so I can put it up for sale on the website, this is all she's gonna get. 

So if you know her, mention how badly you'd like to buy something from a Mole Hole.


  1. she may want to buy that domain first... or else I will buy it and sell it to her for a percentage of the clothing sales :)

  2. MOLLIE KUENSTER8/30/10, 10:25 PM

    Ohhhh, it's already been BOUGHT'n!
