
Onward! (to Tumblr)

I'm just gonna post things over on Tumblr from now on. Yes, it's a little prettier, but the main reason is that I can just hit a button on my phone and all my Instagrams and crap will go straight there.


So there.


The Stylus of My Dreams!

Hey art dorks, check out this stylus on Kickstarter!
I backed the "Pro Art Set" for $99 AND YOU CAN TOO!


WINNER! Best Special Effects - 2012 L.A. 48 Hour Film Festival

"FELT" won Best Special Effects at the
2012 Los Angeles 48 Hour Film Festival!

This is good day for puppetry and practical effects!

In other news: Goatdog Productions is about to start releasing some fun new shows and shorts, so Stay Tuned - There are exciting things in the works!

Here's the Special Edition "ILM/George Lucas" Style cut of "FELT":


"FELT" - The 48 Hour Cut!

Goatdog Productions presents: "FELT"
currently competing in the 2012 Los Angeles 48 Hour Film Festival!

Genre:     Sci-Fi
Prop:      Bottle
Character: David Stott, Athletic Coach
Dialog:    "Why did you do that?"

48 Hour Filmmaker: Los Angeles 2012


No Sleep Till

My company, Goatdog Productions, will be participating in the Los Angeles 48 Hour Film Race this weekend! That means we'll make a short movie in exactly 48 hours. Writing, casting, shooting, editing, scoring, rendering and burning it to a disk to be dropped off at 6:PM on Sunday night. 

It's less a test of wills, and more a test of how much pizza and beer we can consume within 48 hours of sleepless delirium. 

The completed movies will be screened next weekend at the Laemmle NoHo 7 in North Hollywood, where the audience will vote for their favorite films in the typical categories. The winners will go on to be screened against the winners from other cities, and the winners from that screening will go on to Cannes. At least I think that's what happens. 

We'll post our completed film Sunday night, and I'll be "twittering" some updates during the shoot, because that's what people do now. 

Stay Tuned!


Black Bear

Concept work for a new children's book about a musical bear.


Yeah So...

Not that anyone would've noticed, but I've been pretty busy the past two and a half years: I moved back to Los Angeles, got a job at Universal, turned 30, sold a screenplay, met the love of my life, and started a production company. Which left little time to "blog." Soooo.... Sorry?


I'm gonna start throwing some artwork and other stuff up here, starting now. Ish.

Here's a little illustration I did for my pal, Johnny Lloyd Rollins, to celebrate his birth, and his upcoming record.